東京竜巻プロジェクトTokyo Dragon Tornado Project 1993~1995


On the morning of 23 December 1993,  Yamaoka Sakiko left her apartment to have the first of a series of performances. She unfolded a map of Tokyo, and starting from Yawata, Ichikawa City, where she lived (just east of Tokyo, on the right side of the map), she slid an oval pencil line on the paper in a circular direction around the upper left corner. At the left end, she drew a line with her arm extended outward to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office in Shinjuku, then pulled the pencil toward her chest and moved south toward Tokyo Bay. Around Urayasu, the pencil go north. The smooth elliptical line shrinks little by little, and after about five revolutions, it stops near the Suitengu Shrine in Nihonbashi at the center of the vortex. In addition, she marked 28 points on the spiral line at approximately equal intervals. From that day on, over the next few days, she would take the train to places on the map that she had never been before, and perform 28 times with soil, water, and paper plates in those places. She take the mud mixed with water and soil to the next point. So, a tornado. The initial plan was to complete the project in about a month, with three locations a day, but that didn’t work out so well, and in the end it took almost two years.

東京竜巻プロジェクトTokyo Dragon Tornado Project 1993~1995

34′ 30″ edited image video from 28 document videos

(it was not in the order of date)

digitalized by VHS video tape



She got a lot of white paper plates, which I used.The number 28 is the cycle of the moon. She thought of it as a rhythm that connects human beings to nature. She arranged the paper plates like a calendar of the phases of the moon. Sweeping the ground with a bamboo broom, sowing water that can be obtained in the area (tap water is OK), making mud, walking barefoot, and leaving footprints on the paper plates. Multiples of seven. She also adopted the idea of “禹歩”(chinese idea). That’s the process in a nutshell. As a result, the way she drew spirals and circles with paper plates varied depending on the location and mood. It’s a kind of ascetic practice, a pilgrimage, a journey of pilgrimage.

She did not invite any audience. Like painting a picture or writing a piece of poetry, She communicates with herself before appealing to others. Rather, she could not assume an audience. She documented it with photos and video. From the beginning to ten places, She asked a friend to take the camera, but after that, she took images with two tripods.

1. 市川市八幡 自宅庭 23/12/1993
2. 葛飾区柴又 江戸川区河川敷 23/12/1993
3. 足立区梅島 区役所裏 23/12/1993
4. 北区十条台 自衛隊駐屯地脇の稲荷公園 04/01/1994
5. 豊島区西池袋 立教大学構内 04/01/1994
6. 新宿区西新広場宿 都庁都民の広場 04,18/01/1994
7. 品川区東五反田 池田山公園 18/01/1994
8. 江東区青海 青海コンテナターミナル(のちのお台場)25/01/1994
9. 浦安市舞浜 東京ベイヒルトン前 25/01/1994
10. 江戸川区一之江 新中川河川敷 25/01/1994
11. 葛飾区四ツ木 荒川河川敷 06/06/1994
12. 荒川区西尾久 元「一色端」隣駐車場 22/06/1994
13. 新宿区白銀町 JR東日本社宅庭 22/06/1994
14. 港区芝公園 22,24/06/1994
15.江東区新木場 名前のない公園 24/06/1994
16.江東区南砂 葛西橋下 21/09/1994
17.江戸川区平井 ある団地内児童公園 26/09/1994
18.墨田区堤通 東白鬚公園 03/10/1994
19.台東区谷中五重塔趾前 12,19/10/1994
21. 千代田区永田町 憲政公園14,15/10/1994
22.江東区塩浜 農水省倉庫前交番裏 05/12/1994
23.江東区住吉 猿江恩賜公園 18/10/1995
24.墨田区本所 若宮公園 19/10/1995
25.千代田区大手町 大手濠緑地 20/10/1995
26.江東区佐賀町公園 29/11/1995
27.墨田区横網町 震災慰霊堂のある公園 04/12/1995
28. 中央区日本橋蠣町蠣殻公園 06/12/1995
チママンスリー 02/1994
チママンスリー 01/1994
チママンスリー 10/1994