1. Walk to the Lake (2014 Almunge, Sweden)
If you walk down the path that continues from the railroad track, you may reach the silent bird lake. On hearing this, I decided to make my way there. 線路から続いているその小径は、どんどん歩けば、人影のないBird Lakeに行き着く、そう聞いたので、行ってみることにした。
Forest 森
Almunge is a small village in the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is a land with surging rocks, mosses growing like beards on rocks and trees. The uncertain weather and trees wavered by the wind, the slow but steady movement of light and shadow. I am met with a land most distinct from the familiar countryside of Japan, and yet I don’t feel this place is so far from “me”. スカンジナビア半島。スエーデンの小さな村、アムルンゲ(Almunge)。この地方独特のせり上がった岩の大地、その岩や樹木に髭のように生える苔状の植物、変りやすい天気と風にゆらめく樹々、ゆっくりとしかし確実に変化する、光と影との劇的な動き。わたしの見慣れた日本の「田舎」とはかなり違った趣きだが、私は、そこを「わたし」から遠い場所だとは思わない。
2014年5月18日〜28日の11日間、わたしは、スエーデンの古都ウプサラからバスで40分ほどのところにある、アルムンゲという村に滞在した。10年来の友であるアーティスト、スーエンSU-ENのご好意で、彼女の住居兼スタジオである「Haglund Skola」のゲストハウスに泊まった。私は、その11日間の滞在経験を、勝手にアーティストインレジデンスと呼ぶ。
私は、そこで、わたしのこれまでを考え、それから、わたしのこれからを考えた。「Haglund Skola」は、1954年まで、村の学校だった。現在母屋である大きめの建物、向かって左にその前に校舎として使われていた古い小さめの建物、右側にもうひとつ一軒家風の建物がある。
Through May 18th to 28th, 2014, I spent time in a small Swedish village. Almunge is located 40 minutes by bus from Sweden’s ancient city, Uppsala. This is the home of SU-EN, an artist who has been friends with me for more than a decade. She invited me to stay at her home-studio named ‘Haglund Skola’. I like to think of the 11 days which I spent hereas an artist- in-residence.
I didn’t plan to do anything. Literally, I enjoyed the idleness. In fact the Swedish word for school “skola” originates from the word for “leisure”. I spent time thinking about what I had done and what to do from now on.
‘Haglund Skola’ used to be the village school until 1954. The largest building is the main building. On the left hand side, there is a smaller, older building used as an annexe. On the right hand side, there is a cottage-like building. SU-EN moved here in the 1990s with few of her students. Since then, she has continued her creative work. The entrance of Haglund Skola faces a main road, but otherwise it is surrounded by forests. Even the next door neighbor is at least a few minutes drive away.